Tag Archives: African-American

A Fatal Inconsistency: The Heavy Burden of Showing Purposeful Discrimination

by: Christina Robinson This blog post attempts to shed light on a fatal inconsistency in criminal law. Under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, Americans have the right to be free from purposeful discrimination based on race. Yet it is easier for defendants to succeed in making an Equal Protection claim in the context of […]

Kaepernick Rolling Out of the Constitutional Pocket: NFL’s Restriction of Players’ First Amendment Rights

by: Nicolas Chavez On August 26, 2016, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines for sitting during the national anthem prior to his team’s third preseason game.[1] Kaepernick explained the purpose of his silent protest is to use his status as a professional athlete to bring light to the prevalence of institutionalized oppression of people of […]

Modern American Education: The Uninterrupted Path to Incarceration

by: Zack Auspitz On August 11, 2016, the American Civil Liberties Union (“ACLU”) filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of multiple plaintiffs to challenge the “disturbing-schools law” in South Carolina.[1] This highly controversial law essentially criminalizes disruptive behavior in South Carolina classrooms and imposes draconian punishment on students who violate it.[2] The lawsuit stems from […]

The Summer in Review

by: Christopher Ajizian The University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review, as its name may suggest, seeks to promote and publish information about inequality, race and injustice in America. Since our blog went offline in May, several significant events occurred that concern race and social justice in America. As the kickoff blog post […]