Tag Archives: United States

Diversity for the Sake of the Common Good

BY: Morgan Kirkland “Any society depends on citizens who are concerned about others and the common good.” These are the opening words of the recently published Harvard report on college admissions.[1] The premise is idealistic in its rhetoric instead of a guide to be implemented and followed. Yet, even though the report is arguably utopian, […]

On Strike: Supreme Court to Decide on Racial Discrimination in Jury Selection

BY: LAUREN MADDOX In 1986, the Supreme Court decided Batson v. Kentucky, holding that use of peremptory challenges to remove jurors from the jury pool based on race is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.[1] The following year, Timothy Tyrone Foster, an 18-year-old black male, was convicted and sentenced to […]

Under the Shroud of Freedom: The First Amendment Rights of Visitors in the Immigration Detention System

BY: JESSICA BRAUTIGAM Past the outskirts of the city, off an unmarked road, you reach the barbed wire fence line and guarded gate of the detention facility. Leaving your phone and personal belongings behind, you walk through the metal detector and into the lobby. After filling out forms at the guard desk, you are escorted […]

Born In The United States But Not A U.S. Citizen

BY: CASSANDRA PIERRE On August 16, 2015, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stirred controversy when he announced his immigration policy.[1] Mr. Trump proposed amending the Constitution to end birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants.[2] He argued that birthright citizenship “remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration.”[3] Opponents of the new proposal reason that birthright […]