Tag Archives: Black Lives Matter

Injustice Boycott: Civil Rights Activist Says Put Your Money Where your Mouth Is

by: Nalani Gordon New York Daily News Writer Shaun King has issued a call to action. On December 5, 2016, the anniversary of the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, King plans to initiate a nationwide “Injustice Boycott” to protest “police brutality, racial violence and systemic injustice in America.”[1] If executed properly, the boycott has […]

Quick, Cry Foul! They’re on the Come Up! – Confronting the Myth of Black Privilege

BY: TARA JACKSON Beyoncé’s Super Bowl celebration of ‘blackness’ put a dent in the hopes of some that Game Day would “be a time to escape all of the nonsense.” [1] Upon discovering that the cast of The Wiz Live was all black, many cried ‘reverse-racism.’ [2] How dare they start #BlackLivesMatter? All Lives Matter! Regardless […]

Murder on the Rise

BY: ROBERT HAJIR Let’s be honest: terms like the “Ferguson effect[1]” and the “ACLU effect[2]”[3] are racially prejudicial against young, African-American men. These terms insinuate that aggressive policing tactics are necessary to subdue this group into lawful obedience. Without enforcement, “Ferguson effect” believers think that young black men would commit violent crimes at a pace […]