Tag Archives: protest

Injustice Boycott: Civil Rights Activist Says Put Your Money Where your Mouth Is

by: Nalani Gordon New York Daily News Writer Shaun King has issued a call to action. On December 5, 2016, the anniversary of the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, King plans to initiate a nationwide “Injustice Boycott” to protest “police brutality, racial violence and systemic injustice in America.”[1] If executed properly, the boycott has […]

Kaepernick Rolling Out of the Constitutional Pocket: NFL’s Restriction of Players’ First Amendment Rights

by: Nicolas Chavez On August 26, 2016, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines for sitting during the national anthem prior to his team’s third preseason game.[1] Kaepernick explained the purpose of his silent protest is to use his status as a professional athlete to bring light to the prevalence of institutionalized oppression of people of […]