Tag Archives: Donald Trump

New Frontiers in the Women’s Legal Movement: The Schedules That Work Act

by: Sarah McConnell Due to the election of a new President of the United States, advocates for women will need to reevaluate their priorities and strategies for change in a new legislative context. President-elect Trump has been disturbingly vague on policy proposals, in particular those for the advancement of women. His “plan” involves a limited […]

Looking Forward: The Rise of Nativism And Its Impact on Immigrant And Minority Communities

by: Anibal Manzano Marine Le Pen of France’s National Front, Brexit, and the 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump represent the global rise of nativism. France’s National Front wants to leave the euro and favors French people over immigrants in giving out state benefits[1], the pro-Brexit campaign was largely based on anti-immigrant, nationalist messages, […]

The Fallacy of a Post-Racial America

BY: SYLVIA FRANCA In 2008, America elected its first black president. “It seemed so heady – such a landmark moment in racial justice.”[1] The election of an African-American to our highest political office was alleged to demonstrate a triumph of integration.[2] Americans of all stripes were justifiably proud when the country elected President Barack Obama, […]

Felony Disenfranchisement & the Presidential Election

BY: SOFIA TARAFA As Lyndon B. Johnson once observed, “A man without a vote is a man without protection. He is virtually helpless.”[1] Sadly, millions of U.S. citizens are rendered helpless by felon disenfranchisement laws.[2] These laws not only leave those convicted of a felony without a vote, but also deprive the U.S. of a […]