Tag Archives: equality

When the Defendant Flaps: An Overview of “Incompetent” Autistic Criminal Defendants and Courtroom Education

by: Haley Moss In an interview with TIME Magazine, Simon Baron-Cohen, a psychology professor and autism expert said that “[autistic people] often have a strong sense of justice or fairness.”[1] But if autistic people have this understanding of moral rights and wrongs, then why does the criminal justice system view these individuals as incompetent to […]

The Summer in Review

by: Christopher Ajizian The University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review, as its name may suggest, seeks to promote and publish information about inequality, race and injustice in America. Since our blog went offline in May, several significant events occurred that concern race and social justice in America. As the kickoff blog post […]

Hurricane Katrina’s 10th Anniversary: How Much Has Really Changed?

BY: AMANDA POWELL It has been ten years since the country watched Hurricane Katrina rip through New Orleans. It has also been ten years since Kanye West made the infamous statement, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” Whether you believed that statement to be true at the time or not, there are current racial […]

Ray Rice Abuse Scandal Highlights Dangers of Celebrity Victim-Blaming

BY: JOSIE FARINELLI From dangerous concussions to questionable team names, the National Football League is no stranger to controversy.  Arguably, the least shocking news about Ray Rice’s assault case is the NFL’s mishandling of the situation.  The story is familiar to anyone who has turned on a TV over the past month: on February 19, […]