Tag Archives: Constitution

A Sweeping Ban Causes Tension Within Federal Government

by: Roman Sarangoulis With the stroke of a pen, President Donald Trump’s Executive Order established a ban on immigrants seeking refuge in America.[1] The Executive Order will be suspending the entry of all refugees attempting to enter the United States for 120 days.[2] Syrian refugees specifically will be barred indefinitely, and entry into the United […]

It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over: What’s Left of Florida’s Capital Punishment and How Death Is Still (Sort of) on the Table

by: Alexandra Hoffman The Quandary of a Little Context… More than ten years ago, Justice Souter in Kansas v. Marsh reaffirmed that “the death penalty must be reserved for the ‘worst of the worst.’” [1] However, as the American Civil Liberties Union aptly states, “[t]he death penalty is like a lottery, in which fairness always […]

Kaepernick Rolling Out of the Constitutional Pocket: NFL’s Restriction of Players’ First Amendment Rights

by: Nicolas Chavez On August 26, 2016, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines for sitting during the national anthem prior to his team’s third preseason game.[1] Kaepernick explained the purpose of his silent protest is to use his status as a professional athlete to bring light to the prevalence of institutionalized oppression of people of […]

Diversity for the Sake of the Common Good

BY: Morgan Kirkland “Any society depends on citizens who are concerned about others and the common good.” These are the opening words of the recently published Harvard report on college admissions.[1] The premise is idealistic in its rhetoric instead of a guide to be implemented and followed. Yet, even though the report is arguably utopian, […]