Tag Archives: education

Modern American Education: The Uninterrupted Path to Incarceration

by: Zack Auspitz On August 11, 2016, the American Civil Liberties Union (“ACLU”) filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of multiple plaintiffs to challenge the “disturbing-schools law” in South Carolina.[1] This highly controversial law essentially criminalizes disruptive behavior in South Carolina classrooms and imposes draconian punishment on students who violate it.[2] The lawsuit stems from […]

Politics’ Intrusion on Women’s Right to Privacy

BY: JOELLE VOGEL Planned Parenthood was established nearly 100 years ago and provides healthcare and sex education to both females and males.[1] With approximately 700 health care centers nationwide, this organization has helped to prevent unwanted pregnancies, assisted in the reduction of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and offered screening for many types of […]