Author Archives: zauspitz

Florida Criminal Justice Forum: Identifying Real Opportunities for Reform

As a result of an increase in research and data collection, a number of states across our nation have taken action to address the issues plaguing our criminal justice system. Overall, the results have been positive. Florida, however, is not among these states that have chosen to take action. Whether viewed comparatively or absolutely, Florida’s […]

The Complicity of Sexual Harassment Under Corporate Law

by: Oscar Campos This Country is currently undergoing a major cultural shift on how we handle allegations of sexual assault.  Celebrities, once believed to be untouchable, are now becoming exposed for their sexual misconduct.[1]  But to be sure, it is not only Hollywood where sexual abuse has occurred.  It can happen anywhere to anyone at […]

Recent BIA Decision Provides More Clarity on “PSG” Claims, But at What Cost?

by: Juanita Solis In Matter of W-Y-C-& H-O-B-,[1] decided January 2018, the Board of Immigration Appeals held that an applicant seeking asylum based on membership in a particular social group must first establish the exact delineation of a proposed particular social group before an Immigration Judge. Even for experienced immigration attorneys, however, delineating what it means […]

The Opioid Crisis: Rural Communities Left Behind

by: Alexa Antin On October 26, 2017, President Donald Trump declared the opioid epidemic a National Public Health Emergency.[1] More than 90 Americans die each day from overdosing on opioids—including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl.[2] Roughly 29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them.[3] The economic burden of […]