Author Archives: Roland Liwag

House Republicans Add Insult To Native Women’s Injury

BY RYAN DREVESKRACHT — Rape in Indian Country has recently become the subject of partisan campaign fodder and systemic racism in Washington, D.C. It is time to set the record straight on the Violence Against Women Act (“VAWA”) reauthorization. Read More

Florida Takes Another Stab at Purging Voter Rolls

BY MICHAEL BOLLING — Just before the 2012 presidential election, Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) unveiled a plan to purge voting rolls of those who were (in theory) ineligible to vote. This attempted purge was proffered by Governor Scott as targeting non-citizens who were ineligible to vote, in an alleged attempt to protect the sanctity […]

Can Social Media Pressure Outweigh the Law? #RedskinsOwnerMayFindOutTheHardWay

BY LAUREN GONZALEZ — A simple search on Google News, Twitter, Bing or any other search engine of the term “Redskins” will result in headlines such as “Redskins’ Owner Stubbornly Clings to Wrong Side of History from @NYtimes” and “Daniel Snyder again defends #Redskins name, even as his attorney hedges.” The Washington Redskins, the second […]

Hating Black-Face

BY IAN FELS — Halloween has passed. With it’s passing, the ridiculous costumes that people wore are being promulgated throughout social media and permanently imprinted for the world to see. Now is when the backlash begins. One image that has resonated in the South Florida community is an image depicting a white male dressed as […]