Author Archives: jfarinelli

Murder on the Rise

BY: ROBERT HAJIR Let’s be honest: terms like the “Ferguson effect[1]” and the “ACLU effect[2]”[3] are racially prejudicial against young, African-American men. These terms insinuate that aggressive policing tactics are necessary to subdue this group into lawful obedience. Without enforcement, “Ferguson effect” believers think that young black men would commit violent crimes at a pace […]

Diversity for the Sake of the Common Good

BY: Morgan Kirkland “Any society depends on citizens who are concerned about others and the common good.” These are the opening words of the recently published Harvard report on college admissions.[1] The premise is idealistic in its rhetoric instead of a guide to be implemented and followed. Yet, even though the report is arguably utopian, […]

Is LGBTQ Discrimination Really Going Away?

BY: MICHAEL D. BRAUNSTEIN Decades after the start of the movement against lesbian, gay, transgendered, bisexual, and queer (“LGBTQ”) discrimination,[1] LGBTQ citizens have finally earned a long-sought victory. On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 decision that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage.[2] Although this was undoubtedly a huge […]

Ending the Collateral Consequences of Criminal Records

BY: MARLON BAQUEDANO The American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Section has catalogued more than 38,000 statutes nationwide that impose collateral consequences on people convicted of crimes; these statutes create barriers to jobs, housing, welfare benefits, and voting.[1] The majority of these statutes (80%) work as denial of employment opportunities.[2] This means that statutes that make […]