Tag Archives: Republican

The Fallacy of a Post-Racial America

BY: SYLVIA FRANCA In 2008, America elected its first black president. “It seemed so heady – such a landmark moment in racial justice.”[1] The election of an African-American to our highest political office was alleged to demonstrate a triumph of integration.[2] Americans of all stripes were justifiably proud when the country elected President Barack Obama, […]

Born In The United States But Not A U.S. Citizen

BY: CASSANDRA PIERRE On August 16, 2015, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stirred controversy when he announced his immigration policy.[1] Mr. Trump proposed amending the Constitution to end birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants.[2] He argued that birthright citizenship “remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration.”[3] Opponents of the new proposal reason that birthright […]