Tag Archives: race and social justice

Calculated Neglect: How Meta’s Sacrifice of Truth Fuels Misinformation and Marginalization

By Karina Trujillo In most respects, I subscribe to the traditional view of the First Amendment. But I also take seriously the reality that free expression does not impose the same costs on all groups or people. And I recognize that we traditionalists have often been callous in our disregard of that fact and precipitous in our flight to […]

Are Florida Drug Courts Destabilizing Their Participants?

By Mya Nobles The primary goal of creating drug court was to reduce recidivism and allow participants to get back on their feet.[1] However, with the steep court costs and financial obligations, drug courts can potentially be an anchor that destabilizes and hinders participants from moving forward with their lives. Florida became the birthplace of […]

Would Amendment 4 Have Achieved A Supermajority If Not For Governor DeSantis’s Overreaching and Autocratic Measures?

By Natalie Gonzalez Introduction Over 6 million Floridians, representing 57.2% of voters, voted yes on Amendment 4; however, the results ultimately fell short. Since 2006, Florida’s Constitution has required a supermajority for any constitutional amendments, including those initiated by citizens. This blog explores a more recent obstacle beyond the supermajority: Governor Ron DeSantis. Among the […]

Prison Overheating and the Deliberate Indifference Standard in the Eleventh Circuit

By Natalie Kemper The problem of dangerously hot prison conditions is not new. However, this issue has become increasingly more prevalent due to climate change, a rise in heat-related deaths, and a lack of effective policy. In Florida, inmates in around three-quarters of prisons are subjected to a lack of air conditioning.[1] An extensive study […]