Re-Imagining The Movement to End Gender Violence Symposium 2022
Date: February 18th, 2020
Time: 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Where: Via Zoom
Symposium Summary
Join us as experts in Restorative Justice share how they re-imagine gender based violence. Restorative practices can build community and resiliency, respond to experiences of systemic racialized gender oppression for youth of color, and prevent causing sexual harms. Restorative Justice responds to interpersonal and institutional gender violence harms.
Donna Coker, Professor of Law, University of Miami
Key Note Speaker
Panel 1: Building Resiliency & Community for Youth
In this panel, the panelists will explore how restorative practices can build community and resiliency as well as respond to systemic racialized gender oppression for youth of color, and prevent causing sexual harms.
Thalia González, Professor of Politics at OXY Occidental College
C. Quince Hopkins, JD, LL.M, S.J.D. (ABD), Director, Erin Levitas Initiative for Sexual Violence Prevention-University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
Wakumi Douglas, Founder of S.O.U.L Sisters Leadership Collective
Panel 2: Restorative Justice Responses to Harm
In this panel, the panelist will share how restorative justice responds to interpersonal and institutional gender violence harms. They will give some ways as to how we can heal after gender based violence has occurred.
Jennifer Llewellyn, Professor of Law; Chair in Restorative Justice and Director of the Restorative Research, Innovation and Education Lab (RRIELab)
Aparna Polavarapu, Associate Professor at the U of SC School of Law and the Executive Director and Founder of the South Carolina Restorative Justice Initiative.
Charisa Kiyô Smith, Esq., Associate Professor at CUNY School of Law, Co-Director of the Family Law Practice Clinic.