Author Archives: aantin

An Insidious Oversight: The Gender-Based Treatment Disparity and Medical Malpractice

By: Ariana Aboulafia Theoretically, medical malpractice claims generally concern “bad doctors” – those who fail or refuse to do their jobs properly, resulting in isolated instances of negligence where patients end up hurt. If this were true, then medical malpractice claims should in effect, apply to all people equally. However, various social forces such as […]

EEOC Fights to Keep our Diverse Community Safe from Employment Discrimination

By: Diana Johnson “In serving this community, the Miami District Office is mindful of the diverse workforce in all facets of the service, hospitality and tourism sectors and will protect workers facing discrimination in these important Florida industries.”[1]  This quote from Michael Farrell, the director of Miami’s District Office of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission […]

Addressing the Issues Caused by Calling the Police on Innocent Minorities

By: Emily Roberts In recent months, the prevalent issue of police calls made against minorities for unwarranted reasons has become increasingly publicized. While the trend of white people calling the police on minorities is not new, awareness for this issue has escalated as people have been recording and broadcasting such occurrences.[1] New York State Senator […]

“Revenge Porn” Law Survives Constitutional Challenge in Vermont

By: Nicole McLemore Last month, the Vermont Supreme Court upheld the state’s revenge porn law against a First Amendment challenge in State v. VanBuren.[1]While the Court declined to classify revenge porn as a new category of speech excluded from First Amendment protection, it acknowledged that “extreme invasion[s] of privacy” are likely unprotected by the First […]