Publication of Volume 12, Issue 1

The Board of Editors of the University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review is pleased to announce our recent issue publication of Volume 12, Issue 1. The online publication can be viewed at:

A diversity of topics is addressed by featured articles authored by experts in their respective areas of practice and notes written by University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review members. We hope that you will find the articles and notes thought-provoking. Comments and responses are welcome on our website at:


English Courts and Transnational Islamic Divorces: What Role for Personal Liberty of Muslim Women?

Illias Bantekas

Citizens For Strong Schools, Inc., Et Al. V. Florida State Board Of Education, Et Al.: How The Florida Supreme Court Decision Will Have Distressing Effects On Public Education For Vulnerable Children

Kristen Calzadilla

“Officer-Involved Shootings”: How the Exonerative Tense of Media Accounts Distorts Reality

Michael Conklin


Revengeance Taken: Russian Active Measures and our Entrenched Racial Divide

Erin Berhan

Confrontation During COVID: A Fundamental Right, Virtually Guaranteed

Daniel Robinson

The Hidden Foster Care System: A Parallel System in Legal Limbo During A Deadly Pandemic

Megan Schmidt


The Dangers of Racial Gerrymandering in the Frontline Fight for Free and Fair Elections

Laura Odujinrin