Publication of Volume 11, Issue 2

The Board of Editors of the University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review is pleased to announce our recent issue publication of Volume 11, Issue 2. The online publication can be viewed at:

A diversity of topics is addressed by featured articles authored by experts in their respective areas of practice and notes written by University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review members. We hope that you will find the articles and notes thought provoking. Comments and responses are welcome on our website at:


Trump’s Insurrection: Pandemic Violence, Presidential Incitement and the Republican Guarantee
Elizabeth M. Iglesias

Bivens in the End Zone: The Court Punts to Congress to Make the Right (of Action) Play
Gilbert Paul Carrasco

 Border Solutions from the Inside
Raquel E. Aldana

 COVID-19, Lying, Mask-less Exposures and Disability During a Pandemic
Madeleine M. Plasencia

 COVID-19 and the Caregiving Crisis: The Rights of our Nation’s Social Safety Net and a Doorway to Reform
Leanne Fuith and Susan Trombley


 How International Law Can Save the African Elephant
Jacob Templer