Publication of Volume 11, Issue 1

The Board of Editors of the University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review is pleased to announce our recent issue publication of Volume 11, Issue 1. The online publication can be viewed at:

The notes written by University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review members and featured articles authored by experts in their respective areas of practice within this issue address a diversity of topics. We hope that you will find the articles and notes thought provoking. Comments and responses are welcome on our website at:


 The Price of Justice: Fines, Fees and the Criminalization of Poverty in the United States
Lisa Foster

Good for Thee, but Not for Me: How Bisexuals are Overlooked in Title VII Sexual Orientation Arguments
Michael Conklin


Little Pink Flower with a Darker Story to Tell: The Role of Emojis in Online Human Trafficking and Potential FOSTA-SESTA Liability
Olivia Parise

Fazaga v. FBI: Putting the Force Back in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Christina Ferreiro