Tag Archives: news

Congratulations to Our New Member Candidates!

Welcome and congratulations to our 2017-2018 member candidates: Alexander Alvarez Juanita Solis Dina Sarver Cecilia Criddle Alyssa D’Bazo Sara Ptachik Candelario Saldana Briseno Jacob Koffsky Oscar Campos Amanda Wydler Alexa Antin Thomas Voracek Misael Chacon Brenda Phang Adrienne Harreveld Juliee Conde We know that our new member candidates will make great contributions to the Race […]

The United States’ Response to Crime: Racial Bias is Alive and Well

BY: SAWYEH ESMAILI The United States has had the world’s highest incarceration rate since 2002.[1] A racialized perception of crime and a broken criminal justice system are behind the globe’s largest prison population. Our country’s response to crime and the media’s coverage of those who perpetrate it reflect the deeply ingrained racial bias of the […]